Dallas Concrete Truck Lawyer
Concrete truck accidents can be among the worst dangers to motorists. In Dallas, accidents involving concrete trucks may result in severe damages to your vehicle, injuries to you and your passengers, and even fatalities. If you or someone you love were involved in a concrete truck accident in Dallas, seek help from a lawyer now.
Our Dallas accident lawyers can assist you with all types of concrete truck accidents. Were you involved in an automotive accident with a concrete truck? Did a concrete truck cause damages to your parked vehicle or other property? Has a concrete truck accident resulted in injury or death? The accident lawyers at our Dallas office are ready to help. Call us now at (214) 496-5227 for a 100% free consultation.
We’ll help you determine how much compensation you may be owed in a concrete truck accident, and we won’t charge any fees unless our lawyers win. Don’t let a car accident involving a concrete truck hurt you or your family. Our Dallas legal team will fight for your rights.
The Difference Between a Concrete Truck and a Cement Truck
When discussing concrete truck accidents, it’s helpful to begin by knowing the difference between a concrete truck and a cement truck. Both types of vehicles are frequently employed by construction sites, and many people confuse the two.
However, there are distinct differences between a concrete truck and a cement truck:
- A cement truck sometimes referred to as a “cement bulker,” transports the raw, unmixed materials that are later made into concrete. Cement trucks may come in a variety of different sizes. They typically have a long, flatbed that closely resembles a pickup truck, as they often transport the unmixed cement materials in bags.
- A concrete truck, also known as a “truck mixer,” “transit mixer,” or “concrete mixer truck,” transports wet, mixed concrete after it has been prepared from cement, gravel, water, and other raw materials. These are the vehicles with a large, rotating drum that most people picture when they hear the term “concrete truck” or “cement truck.”
Inside the rotating drum, concrete trucks have a sophisticated engineering system that mixes raw materials and keeps the mixture from drying too soon. Often, concrete trucks are equipped with a special chute used to pour wet concrete at construction sites.
Concrete trucks are manufactured by many industrial, automotive companies and come in a wide range of sizes. The vehicle alone can weigh up to 30,000 pounds. On top of this, larger concrete trucks can carry a concrete mixture that weighs up to 40,000 pounds.
A concrete truck can potentially weigh as much as 70,000 pounds altogether — significantly more than the average family car, pickup truck, or SUV. In an accident involving a concrete truck, injuries abound due to this weight differential.
3 Common Factors in Concrete Truck Accidents
As with any car accident, concrete truck accidents can have multiple causes. Collisions between motorists and concrete truck drivers range in severity from minor to extreme. However, it’s recommended to seek guidance from an attorney no matter the size of the accident.
In Dallas and surrounding Texas communities, the following factors can result in a concrete truck accident:
1. Failure to Measure Accurate Stopping Distance
“Stopping distance” is the amount of distance a vehicle needs to come to a full stop. It’s measured based on a vehicle’s speed and weight. A large concrete truck will require more distance to stop than a smaller, lighter car.
In other words, if there were a hazard in the middle of the road, a concrete truck driver would need to hit the brakes much sooner than a driver in a car. Unfortunately, failure to measure accurate stopping distance can cause concrete truck accidents.
Determining liability may be difficult in these scenarios. Your attorney will likely need more information about the concrete truck accident. However, our Dallas team will help you receive all compensation within your rights if you’re involved in a stopping distance accident with a concrete truck.
2. Poor Maneuverability
Due to their size and weight, concrete trucks also have poor maneuverability compared with other types of vehicles. They are harder to steer in general. Concrete trucks must also make wide turns and cannot swerve in and out of traffic the way smaller cars, trucks, and SUVs can.
As a result, drivers of concrete trucks may find themselves in more accidents because they cannot dodge dangerous conditions. A concrete truck driver who becomes distracted may cause an accident because they are unable to course-correct quickly.
If you’ve been hit by a concrete truck in Dallas because the driver was unable to control the vehicle, they will most likely be declared at-fault. Be sure to write down a detailed description of the accident after it occurs. If it’s safe to do so, lawyers also recommend taking photographs of the scene, particularly any tire marks caused by the concrete truck’s erratic steering.
3. Driving on Narrow or Uneven Roads
Finally, driving on narrow or uneven roads is another common factor in concrete truck accidents. Unlike tractor-trailers and other heavy transport vehicles, concrete trucks often operate on smaller residential streets or backroads to get to construction sites. They may also be driving on uneven surfaces.
If the driver isn’t familiar with the route, this can result in a higher incidence of concrete truck accidents. Unpaved, narrow roads may lead to a concrete truck driver losing control. If they are speeding or impaired in any way, this may cause hazards for other nearby drivers.
For this reason, it’s always recommended to take extra caution when passing a concrete truck on the road. Drive defensively around these large vehicles. If you find yourself in a concrete truck accident despite your best precautions, contact our Dallas legal team today.
Get Compensation for Dallas Concrete Truck Accidents
Each of these accidents, and related accidents, can be severe. In addition to damaging your car, they can result in injuries or even concrete truck fatalities. If you are in a collision with a concrete truck in Dallas, reach out to our legal team as soon as possible for a free consultation. Call (214) 496-5227 to speak to an attorney