Dallas Wrongful Death Lawyer

The loss of a loved one leaves a void in our lives. When that loved one died at the hands of a drunk, distracted, or negligent driver, we can’t help but feel anger mixing in with the sadness. While the driver may face criminal charges, our Dallas wrongful death car accident lawyers work with you to hold the driver, employer, or other party responsible for your loss.
Surviving family members can be left with huge medical bills, funeral costs, and other mounting bills when the person who died was a breadwinner in the family. The death of a child is even more tragic.
Our wrongful death lawyers believe that the person or people responsible for the accident should be required to pay for these expenses, as well as for your pain and suffering. Our car accident lawyers fight for grieving families to obtain justice and compensation resulting from the loss of your loved one.
What is a Wrongful Death Case?
A wrongful death case is a claim or civil lawsuit that is filed to hold the person, people, or company financially responsible for causing a loved one’s death. The wrongful death civil case is separate from any criminal case resulting from the car accident.
Our Dallas wrongful death car accident lawyers have decades of experience handling these types of cases. We have the sensitivity to help you through this difficult time, but the toughness and tenaciousness to win your case. We can win wrongful death cases even when the responsible party was not convicted on criminal charges.
Causes of Fatal Accidents that May Be Wrongful Death Cases
There are many different scenarios where a vehicle accident could result in a wrongful death case. These include:
- Drunk Driving
- Impaired Driving
- Distracted Driving
- Fatigued Driving
- Reckless Driving (speeding, running a red light, etc.)
- Vehicle Defects
- Rollover Crashes
- Accidents in a Construction Zone
Some accidents are the fault of the driver, but in other cases, the employer or a company may be considered negligent, and at fault. Our Dallas wrongful death car accident lawyers have the skill and experience to get to the bottom of a case and file a claim against the appropriate parties.
Why File a Wrongful Death Case?
Families we have represented have had a variety of reasons for filing a wrongful death case.It’s a very personal decision. Some of the reasons include:
Compensation for the huge costs of medical bills and funeral costs is a driving factor for some families. Medical costs from an accident can bankrupt surviving family members. If the loved one was the main provider for the family, we may be able to help you get compensation for loss of future earnings to help you pay for things like the mortgage and college education for your children. Compensation can also be for pain and suffering.
Even when it’s been proven that a person or company’s actions or inaction were directly responsible for your loved one’s death, it may not be considered a deliberate criminal act, and they may not face any criminal consequences. Accountability is a driving force for many families, filing and winning a wrongful death case is the only way to hold the responsible party accountable.
Future Safety
One of the main goals of our Dallas wrongful death car accident lawyers is to make sure the person or people responsible for causing your loved one’s death don’t go out and do the same thing to another person. Examples would include getting an alleged drunk driver or impaired driver to truly change their ways, or getting a trucking company to change how long a truck driver can be on the road before taking a rest.
Some wrongful death cases result in changes to the law — for instance, many states, including Texas, now have a law against texting while driving. Another example of change would be an automotive company making changes to vehicle design based on wrongful death cases being filed against them.
Sometimes, filing a wrongful death case after a car accident helps a family better understand the circumstances that led to a loved one’s death, and helps them find some sort of closure.
Talk to Experienced Dallas Wrongful Death Car Accident Lawyers for Free
Speaking to one of our experienced Dallas wrongful death car accident lawyers doesn’t cost you anything except a little bit of your time. At your initial consultation, we’ll talk with you about the accident, the extent of your expenses, and discuss any offers an insurance company has already made to help you decide how to move forward.
Call us today at (469) 998-4069 or use our contact form and someone will get back with you shortly.