USAA Car Accident Claims Injury Lawyer In Dallas

Texas law, as cataloged by the Texas Department of Insurance, requires all drivers to carry certain kinds of insurance. It also requires insurance companies to offer various types of coverage to their insured drivers. Understanding all the details of insurance law and policy cannot be expected of every person, but it is necessary when it comes to dealing with insurance claims and getting the best possible outcome. Even USAA, which focuses primarily on providing insurance to members of the United States Armed Forces, can be a formidable antagonist for injured people trying to collect compensation from a USAA-insured driver.
The best option for injured people is to get help from a skilled and experienced USAA car accident injury claims attorney like the ones we employ at our firm, a Dallas Car Accident law firm. Our attorneys can help you understand your policy and the policy of the opposing driver, teach you how to respond to insurance agents’ questions, and build a case for a court trial if a settlement cannot be reached.
Getting the Best Compensation For My Injuries
In an interaction with any insurance company, from USAA to Allstate, it is important to remember that the agent ultimately is not on your side. Their job is to ensure that their company has to pay you as little as possible, and they will do what they can to lower your compensation. The following tips can help you preserve the true value of your compensation and bolster your claim.
Collecting Evidence at the Scene of My Accident
Immediately after your car crash, it is imperative that you move your car off the roadway to a safe location, if you are able to do so. Next, you should check in with all of the people involved in the accident to see whether emergency medical services need to be summoned. Calling the police should be your next step, and then you should collect as much evidence as possible, including:
- Driver’s license and insurance information from opposing drivers
- Photos of the accident scene, such as property damage and weather phenomena
- Names and contact information from eyewitnesses
- The location of any surveillance or traffic cameras that may have captured the accident
Not only will this information help you when dealing directly with USAA insurance agents, but it can help your attorney down the line if it comes time to file a claim in court. Another important item to obtain is the police officer’s official car accident report.
When I Have USAA and the Other Driver Is Uninsured
Though Texas law requires every driver to carry liability insurance in the case of an accident for which they are responsible, some people choose to break the law and drive uninsured. In those cases, your USAA coverage should have a few available options, unless you have decided to opt-out of them.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
PIP coverage is designed to cover your medical costs as well as other issues that stem from your injury, such as lost wages. Texas requires all insurance carriers to offer this coverage, and it is automatically included in your policy unless you opt-out by signing a written waiver.
Uninsured Motorist Coverage
PIP does not cover all of the costs associated with a car accident, and it has a limit even if all of your damages apply. If you need to exceed that limit, or if you are involved in a hit and run accident, you may be able to use the uninsured motorist coverage offered by USAA. This kind of coverage must be offered to you when you sign up with any insurance company, from USAA to The General. However, just like PIP, it is possible for you to opt-out of uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.
Many people find it difficult to parse the legalese and convoluted nature of insurance policies. Luckily, skilled attorneys can help you understand the extent of your coverage and the coverage of opposing drivers.
Get Help from Compassionate USAA Claims Attorneys Today
The harms you experience in a car wreck are wide-ranging. From the immediate medical bills to lost earning capacity, from the cost of vehicle repairs to a loss of enjoyment in life, you should be compensated by the at-fault party and their insurance company for the damages you suffer.
At our firm, a Dallas car accident law firm, , we have helped many people recover significant compensation packages and settlements to help them recover from their injuries. We believe in compassion, which is why we offer our potential clients a FREE consultation so that we can learn more about the details of each claim. Also, we do not collect a fee unless you get to collect your rightful compensation.
To schedule your consultation with us, call our representatives at (469) 998-4069, or fill out the form on our contact page and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.