Injury Lawyer For Accidents Caused By Running A Stop Sign In Dallas, TX

Texas Transportation Code §544.010 is clear that drivers must stop at stop signs either at a clearly marked line or in a position in which they can see the oncoming traffic of the intersecting road. Designed to control the flow of traffic and prevent car accidents, stop signs are a common sight on Texas roadways, and everyone knows that they are supposed to come to a complete stop when encountering these signs. Unfortunately, some drivers either decide to ignore the law or become so distracted that they do not see the stop sign. This can lead to serious wrecks and terrible injuries to unsuspecting motorists, but the law provides a way to seek compensation.
If you are injured in a car accident caused by running a stop sign, you can file a personal injury claim to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver. Often, the opposing driver’s attorneys or insurance company will try to refuse liability, lower the amount they have to pay, or get you to accept a settlement that is not what you truly need. Contact the stop sign accident injury attorneys at our firm, a Dallas car accident law firm, for help getting the payout you and your family deserve.
What to Do at My Accident Scene
A successful claim starts at the scene of the accident. Unless your injury renders you incapacitated or otherwise physically unable to do so, it is important to collect as much information as possible in order to bolster your eventual claim. Of course, the very first things you should do at the scene include getting you and your vehicle to a safe location off the road, ensuring that medical care is on its way, and calling the police.
Personal Information
You will need to get the name, contact information, and insurance policy data from the opposing driver in order to file your claim with their insurance company. Additionally, you should talk to any potential eyewitnesses and get their contact information so that you attorney, later on, can call them for statements or to give testimony.
Images of the Scene
If you have a camera or your cell phone on you, make sure to take photos of the entire crash scene. Include pictures of property damage, license plates, markings on the road, the angles of the street, the stop signs, and anything else that may have contributed to the accident. Also, look for any nearby surveillance business camera or traffic cameras that may have recorded the incident. Sometimes, your attorney may be able to obtain that footage to show definitive proof of the other driving running the stop sign.
Listing My Damages
A crucial part of any injury claim is the determination of all of your damages. These are the various harms that you suffer as a result of your car accident. Typically, there are two forms of compensable damage for which you can directly argue and additional, exemplary damages that the court can decide to award you.
Economic Damages
These harms include all of the financial burdens you take on as a direct result of your injury. Examples can be lost wages, the cost of your medical care, the cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle, the value of any lost earning potential you suffer due to losing the ability to work at the same level, and similar issues. Texas limits the amount of compensation for which you can sue for economic damages to the actual, billable value of those damages, as per Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code §41.0105.
Non-Economic Damages
Unlike economic damages, these harms are more subjective and do not come with clear bills or receipts. Examples of non-economic harms include your physical pain, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment in life, personality changes as a result of your injury, loss of companionship, and other difficulties related to your injury. There is no limit to the amount for which you can sue for these damages, though it is best to bring an expert witness into your case attest to an equitable value.
Exemplary Damages
Only used in rare circumstances, this extra compensation is a punishment to the at-fault driver for behavior that the court deems to be reckless or negligent beyond the normal level. For example, exemplary damages have been awarded in drunk driving cases. If the court decides to award this compensation, it is limited to the higher of the following two amounts:
- $200,000
- Two times your economic damages, plus up to $750,000 of your non-economic damage award
I Can Consult with our firm, a Dallas car accident law firm, for FREE
At our firm, a Dallas car accident law firm, , our stop sign accident injury attorneys are available for a totally FREE consultation to discuss the details of your claim. Plus, we do not collect a fee unless we win you the compensation you need.
To schedule your consultation, call our office at (469) 998-4069 or fill out the form on our contact page.