Mesquite Rollover Accident Lawyer

Large trucks in Mesquite, TX, could cause a rollover accident. These accidents occur when a vehicle tips onto one side or rolls over, possibly blocking a lane of traffic. A rollover accident could injure the truck driver as well as other drivers involved in the collision.
You might receive compensation if you were hurt in a rollover collision. Just reach out to a Mesquite rollover accident lawyer to get legal help. Call (469) 998-4069 to speak with a member of our team about securing damages for your losses.
Review Information About Rollover Accidents
Rollover accidents are particularly dangerous when they involve large trucks. Many rollover accidents are single-vehicle collisions, which means that they only affect the truck driver. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), 45% of all large truck driver fatalities are caused by rollover collisions.
Some rollover collisions do end up affecting other drivers. For example, a large truck may roll over into traffic. The truck could strike other vehicles during the initial roll and cause a major back-up, which could result in subsequent accidents.
You should get help on your side if you were involved in a Mesquite rollover accident. Focus on your claim with a truck accident lawyer in Mesquite.
Reasons for Rollover Accidents in Mesquite
A lawyer may show that someone else caused your rollover accident in order to secure your compensation in Mesquite. You will not get compensation if you are found totally responsible for the collision. Your lawyer can investigate what happened to establish liability for the crash by:
- Visiting the scene of the accident.
- Reviewing your police report.
- Speaking to all eyewitnesses.
- Working with accident reconstruction specialists.
Taking these steps may help a lawyer determine the causes of your collision. Sometimes, these accidents occur because large trucks take a turn too quickly. They also happen if the truck driver’s load shifts around. Liquid loads — like fuel — can easily “slosh” inside the truck, pulling it to one side.
Injuries from Mesquite Rollover Accidents
Generally, you only get compensation after a motor vehicle collision if you experienced losses. Losses may come from injuries. A rollover accident could result in several major injuries, depending upon the severity of the crash. You could get damages to cover medical expenses associated with:
- Broken bones or burns.
- Head or brain injuries.
- Neck, back, or spine injuries.
You might even sustain internal injuries in a rollover accident. Make sure that you get medical attention quickly after your accident. A medical professional will ensure that your injuries are treated properly. Additionally, getting fast medical care could show that the accident directly caused your injuries.
Allow a lawyer to review your healthcare expenses after your accident. Contact a rollover accident lawyer in Mesquite by calling (469) 998-4069.
Compensation for Rollover Accidents in Texas
A lawyer can help you secure compensation for all of your losses after a rollover accident in Mesquite. As mentioned, you may get damages to cover your medical expenses, but you could also receive compensation for your:
- Time off at work.
- Diminished earning potential.
- Vehicle repairs.
- Pain and suffering.
However, your lawyer must show that someone else caused the accident in order to bring you compensation. Texas is a comparative negligence state, which means that you can get a portion of your compensation even if you bear a percentage of responsibility for the collision. Speak to a lawyer to learn more about comparative negligence.
Methods to Resolve a Rollover Accident Claim
You have several options to handle rollover accidents in Mesquite. You can file a claim with the insurance company that represents the truck driver. A lawyer could then work to help you settle your claim. You may get compensation for your losses through a settlement.
You might also focus on getting compensation through a lawsuit here in Mesquite. A lawsuit allows you to seek damages through the court system. However, it could take longer to obtain compensation through a lawsuit, and you may have to pay court fees.
Work with a Mesquite Rollover Accident Lawyer Today
Get legal help on your side if you were hurt in a rollover accident in Mesquite. Reach out to a member of our team today to get assistance. We will begin going over your situation with a free consultation. Find out more about how a rollover accident lawyer in Mesquite could help you secure compensation for healthcare expenses and other losses.
Call (469) 998-4069 to start working with us. You can also complete our online contact form.
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