Richardson Fatigued Driver Truck Accident Lawyer

Have you ever driven while tired? You’re not alone. Every day, thousands of Americans drive to work or school in the morning even though they’d rather hit the “snooze” button. In fact, over 40% of drivers say they’ve been so tired, they’ve fallen asleep behind the wheel at least once in their lifetime.
Drowsy driving might seem harmless if so many people do it. In reality, driving when you’re tired is very dangerous. Fatigued drivers are involved in hundreds of car and truck accidents each day. The annual statistics are troubling. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that fatigued drivers cause approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes every year.
Within that number, there are an estimated 71,000 injuries and 1,550 deaths. The cost of fatigued driver truck accidents is also very high. Exhaustion-related accidents account for around $109 billion in annual damages.
Were you involved in an accident with a fatigued truck driver? It may be difficult to recover after a crash caused by drowsy driving. However, our lawyers can assist you. We have been serving drivers in Richardson, TX with truck accident cases just like yours. Our legal team can help you get the compensation you deserve after an accident with a fatigued truck driver.
Reach out today to explore your legal options after a car crash. Consultations with our lawyers are always 100% free and you won’t pay for our services unless we help you win. Call (214) 740-4556 or go online to schedule an appointment.
Fatigued Driver Accident Statistics
Anyone can fall asleep at the wheel. Fatigued truck driver accidents can happen anywhere at any time. However, by examining some of the statistics about drowsy driving, the data suggests that certain conditions increase fatigued driving risk among truck drivers:
- Fatigued truck drivers are three times more likely to crash than awake truck drivers.
- People under age 25 account for an estimated 50% of fatigued driver accidents.
- When other accident risk factors are present, fatigue increases the likelihood of a truck crash from 11% to 65%.
- Most fatigued driver accidents happen between midnight and 6 a.m., or in the late afternoon.
- Many accidents involve a single vehicle.
- People who snore or regularly sleep less than 6 hours at night are more likely to experience fatigue or fall asleep while driving.
- Fatigued trucker accidents always increase at the start of daylight savings time.
It’s important to note that these findings are often updated. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) points out that the total number of fatigued driver accidents may be difficult to determine. Current numbers rely on police reports or hospital reports, and many fatigued drivers don’t confess their condition.
In other words, the real total of fatigued driver accidents may be much higher than 100,000 collisions per year. The AAA Traffic Safety Foundation disputes this statistic. They estimate drowsy driving crashes at 328,000 annually, with 109,000 injuries and 6,400 deaths.
Regardless of the data, fatigued truck driver accidents take a serious toll on society. They will likely continue to be a problem until more drivers realize the risk. Fatigue slows your awareness, reduces your reaction time, and impacts your ability to make decisions when you’re behind the wheel of a truck. The more tired you are, the worse your condition becomes.
Driving for 20 hours or more without any rest is equivalent to drunk driving. You wouldn’t get behind the wheel after having too much to drink, would you? Treat fatigue the same way.
You can’t stop a truck driver from hitting you due to fatigue, but you can reduce your personal risk of causing an accident. Always get a full night’s sleep before you drive a truck. For most adults, that’s 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted rest. If you become tired during the day, take a nap.
What Should You Do if You Feel Tired While Driving?
If you ever feel tired while you’re driving a truck, pull over as soon as it’s safe. Get out of the vehicle to stretch your legs, drink coffee, or splash water on your face. You can also try driving with the windows down so the fresh air wakes you up.
If these methods don’t work, nap or rest in your truck until you feel safe to drive again. But don’t keep going. You may experience a dangerous condition known as “microsleeping.” During a microsleep, drivers feel their eyes close involuntarily. They doze off very briefly, then snap awake.
A bout of microsleeping may only last for a few seconds. However, during this time, you could be responsible for a severe truck crash. Some drivers also panic when they “come to” after a microsleep. They could cause an accident by turning the steering wheel or braking suddenly.
Who’s at Fault for a Fatigued Driver Truck Accident?
Unfortunately, liability can be difficult to prove in a fatigued driver truck accident. Even when a driver causes an accident because they fall asleep at the wheel of their truck, the force of the collision will wake them up. If there were no witnesses, a fatigued driver must self-report. Many don’t.
However, with a good truck accident lawyer, this won’t matter. Instead of proving the truck driver fell asleep, focus on showing how their negligent or reckless driving caused the crash. For example, did the fatigued truck driver rear-end you? If so, they’re still at fault, even if you don’t have evidence that they were tired.
If the crash involved multiple drivers, liability could get more complicated. Still, as long as you were following traffic laws and driving safely at the time of the accident, you will be able to collect damages.
With money from a truck accident settlement, you can replace a damaged vehicle, cover lost wages, and pay medical bills. You may also be eligible for compensation for pain and suffering. Don’t let a fatigued truck driver take advantage of you.
Do you have questions about liability in a fatigued driver accident involving a truck? Our Richardson, TX lawyers would be happy to speak to you. With money from an accident settlement, you can replace a damaged vehicle, cover lost wages, and pay medical bills. You may also be eligible for compensation for pain and suffering. Don’t let a fatigued truck driver take advantage of you.
Make an appointment for a free legal consultation online or by phone at (214) 740-4556.