Garland Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

According to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) 2017 Crash Report on Drunk Driving Accidents, Dallas County is second only to Harris County in the number of drunk driving fatalities and serious injuries from an alcohol-involved crash. Garland had 128 reported drunk driving accidents, with 3 fatalities and 10 people seriously injured. Those may not sound like high numbers, but you should know that overall, Texas has a higher rate of drunk driving than the rest of the country. In fact, 28% of all traffic fatalities in Texas in 2017 were the result of drunk driving.
If you’ve been injured by a drunk driver or lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident, you’re probably angry and distraught. You’re probably also worried about those medical bills that are piling up. Our Garland drunk driving accident lawyers represent DUI accident victims like you. The drunk driver has an attorney who will work to get the charges reduced or dismissed. Our job is to hold the drunk driver responsible.
Types of Drunk Driving Accidents
Of course, the one thing that all drunk driving accidents have in common is that the person behind the wheel has been drinking, and chose to get behind the wheel. In Texas, most drunk driving accidents occur between 2 and 3 am. Every year, drunk driving accidents injure or kill people in a number of situations including:
- Multi-vehicle crashes
- Drunk driver hits a motorcyclist
- Drunk driver hits a bicyclist
- Drunk driver hits a pedestrian
The drunk driver may fall asleep at the wheel, may drift out of their lane, fail to stop in time, or just not see the person they hit. But in all cases, the underlying cause is alcohol.
Proving Fault in a Drunk Driving Accident
In most cases, the police and the insurance company will find the drunk driver to be 100% at fault in the accident, and they will be considered grossly negligent. Drunk driving is against the law for a reason. Alcohol impairs a driver’s ability to drive safely.
If the insurance company is trying to say you are at fault in the accident, we will stand up for you, and conduct our own investigation to prove them wrong. This can include:
- Reviewing the police report and other court documents associated with the case
- Interviewing witnesses from the accident scene and from where they were drinking before the accident
- Reviewing traffic camera footage where available
- Reviewing TV news footage and print photographs
- Reconstructing the accident
- And more
There are only a few situations where the drunk driver might not be at fault — such as if they were stopped at a light and you rear-ended them. They would still be charged with DUI if police were called to the scene, but you would be at fault. If you are found to be partially at fault in the accident, any compensation you get may be reduced by the portion at which you were at fault.
Getting Compensation After a Drunk Driving Accident
In the vast majority of cases, when we are armed with the evidence, we can negotiate with the insurance company(ies) to pay you for your financial losses, including compensation for:
- Medical bills
- The cost to repair or replace your vehicle
- Lost wages
- And more
Sometimes, we take your case to court if the insurance company is trying to say you were at fault, or they are offering you a settlement that is far below what you and your family need to compensate you for your losses. We may also go after the individual driver in court, or the bar that continued to serve them after it was obvious they were impaired.
In addition to the compensation we listed above, if we take your case to court, we can also claim damages for the following:
- Pain and Suffering
- Mental Anguish
- Disability
- Disfigurement
- Loss of Companionship
If a jury awards you compensatory damages, since it’s a drunk driving accident, they can also award you punitive damages if we can prove there was gross negligence on the part of the driver. Punitive damages are meant to punish the driver and send a message to others that drunk driving can be tremendously costly.
Wrongful Death
If a loved one died at the hands of a drunk driver, we can file a wrongful death suit on your behalf. In Texas, only a spouse, parent or child can file a wrongful death suit. We understand that no amount of money can compensate you for the loss of your loved one. But a monetary award in a wrongful death suit can help you pay for funeral costs, medical bills, your children’s education and more.
Contact One of Our Garland Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers
Our Garland drunk driving accident lawyers represent DUI victims. You need a lawyer to help ensure you get all of the compensation to which you are entitled. Call our law firm at 469-998-4069, or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation.