Carrollton Truck Accident Lawyer

You can be left with serious injuries if you’re involved in a truck accident in Carrollton. Large trucks, including 18-wheelers and semi-trucks, can demolish smaller vehicles and badly injure other drivers.
If you are one of the many individuals injured in a truck accident, getting help right away can improve your odds of winning the compensation you deserve after a wreck. A skilled and experienced Carrollton truck accident lawyer can fight for you while you recover.
Truck Accidents Can Change Your Life
A truck accident can happen in a matter of seconds, but the after effects can stretch out for years. You could be left with serious injuries, including:
- Broken Bones
- Spine and Back Injuries
- Whiplash
- Cuts and Abrasions
Your vehicle could also easily be totaled by a truck accident. You deserve compensation for your injuries and motor vehicle repair costs, but this can be difficult to get. Truck companies frequently work with insurance agents who fight truck accident claims.
With over 104,000 injury crashes involving trucks occurring in 2016 alone, these insurance agents have a lot of practice denying claims.
Get Help Today from a Truck Accident Lawyer
Dealing with a high-powered insurance company on your own can end in disaster. Insurance agents are focused on saving money and protecting their bottom line. They could handle your accident by:
- Trying to Blame You
- Offering You an Insufficient Pay-Out
A truck accident lawyer in Carrollton can step in and make sure you’re treated fairly. Truck accident lawyers can take over all communication with insurance companies and make sure that any offer you’re given is fair.
You deserve professional help from a law group that can prove the following things about your truck accident:
- The Truck Driver was At Fault
- The Accident Caused Your Injuries
Establishing Fault for a Truck Accident
The court system in Texas uses modified comparative negligence rules. This means that multiple drivers can be found to be at fault. Your compensation will be higher or lower based on the percentage of fault you are assigned for the accident. Individuals more than 50% at fault receive no compensation.
This means that it is vitally important that you work with a truck accident lawyer in Carrollton who can show that the truck driver was to blame for the accident. Many times, truck accidents occur because a driver is:
- Tired
- Drunk
- Breaking Traffic Laws
At other times, the accident is the fault of the trucking company, for giving the driver an unsafe load or failing to complete proper truck maintenance.
Your truck accident lawyer will work to determine the cause of the accident by:
- Investigating the Accident
- Speaking with Witnesses
- Collecting Relevant Evidence
In addition, truck accident lawyers will call on expert witnesses or even reconstruct the scene if necessary.
Getting the Compensation You Need
After your truck accident lawyer settles the issue of fault, the matter of compensation will still need to be addressed. Your compensation could depend on:
- Losses for Medical or Repair Bills
- How Permanent Your Injuries Are
- The Severity of Your Injuries
You can improve your chances of getting fairly compensated by keeping records of the medical care you receive. Insurance agents can try to argue that your injuries were from a previous event or that they were not as severe as you claim. Having documentation can weaken their arguments.
Fight Back with a Truck Accident Lawyer You Trust
There are many truck accident lawyers out there for you to choose from. You can boost your odds for success by picking a law firm with:
- Experience Handling Similar Cases
- A Reputable Payment Policy
- Lawyers You Can Trust
Some truck accident companies will expect you to start paying legal fees right away. This is generally a bad sign. Law firm that use “no win, no pay” policies are generally more reputable and trustworthy for your case.
Finding a lawyer you feel comfortable talking to is also very important. Truck accident cases can require you to share personal information with your lawyer. Make sure you’ve picked a law firm you feel good about to have the best chance for success.
A Truck Accident Lawyer in Carrollton Can Help You
Truck accidents can be frightening. You can lose your vehicle and suffer severe injuries all in a matter of seconds. Take control of your life back after an accident by contacting a Carrollton truck accident lawyer as soon as you can.
We have the experience and know-how you need. Let us take over your case. We’ll work with investigators and other professionals to stand up for you against high-powered insurance companies. You can learn more about your options with a FREE consultation.
Fight for the compensation you deserve by calling (469) 998-4069 or filling out our online contact form.