Allen Failure to Yield Truck Accident Lawyer

Failure to yield accidents are common in Texas. Often, these collisions involve large vehicles like commercial cargo trucks. Each year, failure to yield truck accidents cause many injuries and deaths. These accidents can alter your life forever.
When a truck driver fails to yield, the consequences are deadly. Over 4,000 people died in fatal accidents involving large trucks in 2018. Many more suffered lasting injuries. Truck accident victims often require surgery and need physical rehabilitation for months or years. Some victims never recover completely.
Even when the injuries are mild, a failure to yield accident still disrupts your life. A large truck inflicts serious damage to cars and SUVs. The crash may total your vehicle. Some accident victims cannot afford to replace their car, which impacts their ability to work and get around.
That’s why it’s important to pursue compensation after a failure to yield accident with a truck. You could be eligible for a settlement to cover lost wages, replace your wrecked car, or pay hospital bills. Often, commercial trucking companies are also found liable. With the money from an accident settlement, you can begin the journey back to a normal life.
If you’re not sure where to begin after a failure to yield accident, call (469) 998-4069 to speak with an Allen, TX accident lawyer. Our lawyers have helped many drivers just like you. We will review your failure to yield accident case, then help you take action. Consultations are 100% free.
Common Failure to Yield Accident Injuries
No two truck accidents are exactly alike. The severity of your accident will depend on the truck’s size, speed, and location of the impact. Certain types of collisions are worse than others. When a truck driver causes an accident because they didn’t yield, anything can happen.
In most failure to yield accidents, victims are injured in rear-end collisions or broadside collisions (also known as “t-boning”). However, these accidents may also cause your vehicle to rollover.
In a rollover accident, the truck crashes into you at the right speed and angle to disrupt your vehicle’s balance. This causes your car to flip over. In other scenarios, the truck may send your car skidding out of control. Then, you strike a stationary object, such as a guardrail, and flip over due to the change in momentum.
Each of these types of accidents can cause serious injuries. Rollover accidents are especially dangerous — often fatal. According to one estimate, rollover fatalities account for over 7,600 deaths in 2010.
If you’re involved in a truck accident because the driver failed to yield, you may experience any of the following:
- Head Injuries: This includes skull fractures, concussions, and injuries to the face. Some victims also suffer Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs). A TBI can cause memory loss, migraines, impair cognition, and require surgery. Some victims with TBIs are unable to lead a normal life.
- Neck Injuries: Neck injuries are common in failure to yield truck accidents. They range from mild injuries like whiplash to severe spinal cord injuries. Victims may experience paralysis, nerve damage, and other chronic conditions due to their injuries. They may need surgery.
- Internal Injuries: In some accidents, victims who are hurt by a truck receive internal injuries. This includes punctured lungs, organ damage, and internal bleeding. Recovery time after these injuries can last months or years.
- Limb and Torso Injuries: Broken bones, cuts, bruises, and burns are common in collisions involving trucks. These injuries may be minor or severe. They are often compounded with other types of injuries. For example, broken ribs may trigger internal bleeding or lung damage.
- Psychological Injuries: In addition to physical injuries, psychological injuries are also common in failure to yield truck accidents. Although these are “invisible injuries,” they can be just as damaging to victims. Victims may experience PTSD, depression, or anxiety after a crash. They may also develop phobias, addictions, and other conditions that prevent them from living a normal life. Some victims require lifelong therapy to recover.
Even with insurance, treatment for these injuries can be costly. Many families lose their life savings to pay medical bills and cover physical therapy, rehabilitation, and prescription medications. Compensation from an accident settlement can help.
Yielding and Right-of-Way Laws in Texas
When a truck driver fails to yield, there isn’t very much you can do to prevent an accident. However, you can help mitigate your own accident risk by understanding Texas traffic laws. Many drivers find yielding and right-of-way law confusing. They are actually quite simple.
When you see a “Yield” sign, it means you must slow down or stop because through-traffic has the right-of-way. Don’t drive ahead or merge until the road is clear. In addition to signs, traffic lights also tell drivers when to yield. There may be a digital sign that reads “Yield”, a flashing yellow light, or another indicator.
Yielding is related to right-of-way laws. When you approach a four-way intersection with stop signs, observe the other car or truck’s position. If the vehicle is on your right, they have the right-of-way. You must yield and let them go first.
Understanding yield and right-of-way laws will help you avoid causing an accident. Additionally, this will ensure that you’re never declared liable. If you get into an accident with a truck that didn’t yield, you won’t be at-fault because you followed the rules.
What to Do After a Failure to Yield Accident with a Truck
After an accident, always pull over and dial 911. Request medical assistance if there are any injuries. Exchange insurance and contact information with the driver. Take photos or videos of the accident scene if it’s safe to do so. (Never step into a busy road or risk your life to gather evidence.)
Then, seek legal assistance. An attorney can help you handle a failure to yield accident involving a truck. They will determine if you’re eligible for compensation in a settlement, then discuss your next steps.
If you need a failure to yield accident attorney, call (469) 998-4069 now. As always, consultations are completely free. You won’t pay for our services unless we help you win.