Flower Mound Failure to Yield Truck Accident Lawyer

Did you know that 40% of all car and truck accidents occur in intersections? Many of these accidents happen because one driver failed to yield to another driver. This is known as a “failure to yield” accident. In places like Flower Mound, TX, failure to yield accidents involving trucks pose a serious danger to all drivers.
A failure to yield accident involving a truck can alter your life in an instant. Your car may be damaged beyond repair, affecting your ability to get to work and provide for your family. You may also be seriously injured. Some failure to yield accidents are even fatal.
If you get hit by a truck because the other driver failed to yield, contact us now to discuss your legal options. You have rights and may be eligible for compensation. With a truck accident settlement, you can replace a damaged vehicle, pay medical bills, and cover lost wages until you get back on your feet.
Our Flower Mound, TX law firm will be happy to assist you. Dial (469) 998-4069 or use our online contact form to schedule a 100% free, 100% confidential legal consultation. There’s no obligation to discuss your truck accident with one of our lawyers. If we take your case, you won’t pay a dime unless we help you win.
Yield Laws in Texas
Yield laws are vital to safe driving. Many failure to yield accidents involving trucks occur because a driver ignores these laws. However, in some cases, they may cause a truck accident out of ignorance rather than blatant disregard for the rules. By understanding the yield laws in Texas, you can help reduce failure to yield truck accidents.
According to the Texas Transportation Code, any car or truck approaching a stop or yield intersection must give right-of-way to the other vehicles already in the intersection. Drivers must always stop or slow to a reasonable speed as they approach an intersection, traffic circle, or other area where yielding is required.
Truck drivers must always obey traffic lights and traffic signs as well, including Yield signs, unless otherwise directed by a police officer or traffic guard. Drivers must also yield to pedestrians. If there’s a pedestrian in a crosswalk, you must wait for them to finish crossing — even if they have a “Don’t Walk” signal.
Finally, if you’re approaching a four-way stop and you’re unsure whether you need to yield, consider the right-of-way law. At four-way intersections governed by stop signs, consider the position of your vehicle relative to the other cars or trucks. You must yield to any vehicle on your right.
Types of Failure to Yield Truck Accidents
Failure to yield truck accidents can result in many different types of collisions. However, because these accidents are more likely to occur near intersections and driveways, certain types of collisions with trucks are more common.
If you’re hit by a truck driver who fails to yield, you are more likely to experience one of the following collisions:
T-Bone Collisions
A t-bone collision, also known as a broadside collision or side-impact collision, occurs when a truck slams head-on into another vehicle. The resulting “T” shape of the collision gives this type of crash its colorful name.
T-bone collisions are very common in failure to yield accidents. Often, a t-bone truck collision happens to a car that’s already in the middle of an intersection. The truck driver fails to yield, then crashes into the car’s side.
T-bone collisions can be mild, moderate, or severe. The severity of these collisions depends on vehicle size, speed, and point of impact. If you get t-boned by a larger truck such as a tractor-trailer, you’re more likely to suffer serious injuries. Some t-bone truck collisions due to failure to yield accidents can be fatal.
Rear-End Collisions
Rear-end collisions often happen near parking lots, driveways, or in heavy traffic where drivers are more likely to tailgate one another. If a truck driver fails to yield, they may lose control of their truck and rear-end another vehicle.
Often, rear-end collisions involve multiple vehicles. This is known as a pileup. When a car or truck is forced to stop suddenly, any vehicle following too closely may collide with it. This can also cause cars to spin out and crash into other vehicles, objects, or pedestrians.
Rollover Collisions
A rollover collision is one of the most deadly types of failure to yield truck accidents. When a car flips or rolls over, the vehicle’s frame may buckle under the weight of the car and crush anyone inside. Additionally, these accidents have a high rate of severe head, neck, and spinal cord injuries.
A rollover collision can occur whenever something causes a car to lose its tire traction and balance. If your car is struck because a truck driver failed to yield to you, the impact may cause your car to skid and roll. Tall vehicles with a higher center of gravity, such as some trucks and SUVs, are more likely to be involved in rollover collisions when someone fails to yield.
Failure to Yield Truck Accident Injuries
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 3,642 fatal car accidents in Texas in 2018 alone. Many of these fatalities occurred because a truck driver failed to yield and caused an accident.
However, even if you survive a failure to yield truck accident, you may suffer a wide range of injuries. Common injuries from failure to yield accidents involving trucks include:
- Head injuries, such as skull fractures and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Neck injuries, including whiplash
- Spinal cord injuries, which may lead to partial or full paralysis
- Cuts, bruises, burns, or broken bones
- Internal bleeding or damage to internal organs
- Psychological damage, including severe PTSD
Survivors may require surgeries, physical therapy, and years of rehabilitation. Unfortunately, some truck accident victims never fully recover from their injuries. For example, a TBI from a failure to yield accident can cause neurological impairment. Some survivors may require lifelong, round-the-clock medical care.
If you or someone you love is injured in a failure to yield truck accident, call (469) 998-4069 to schedule a free consultation with a Flower Mound, TX accident lawyer.