DeSoto Cargo Truck Accident Lawyer

We’re ready to assist you if you were struck by a cargo truck in DeSoto, Texas. We know that these large commercial vehicles can do a lot of damage in a collision. We’ll take your side and work to bring you compensation for your medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and more.
Begin working on a claim by reaching out to a DeSoto cargo truck accident lawyer right away. You can reach us if you call (469) 998-4069. We’ll focus on settling your claim or even helping you with a lawsuit. Find out how by contacting us now.
Facts About Cargo Truck Collisions in the U.S.
Cargo trucks are very large commercial vehicles. “Cargo truck” is, in fact, an umbrella term that can refer to many different kinds of vehicles. Cargo trucks can include dump trucks, log trucks, grain trucks, and more. Any truck that hauls cargo can be considered a cargo truck.
Because there are so many of these vehicles, they end up in a lot of accidents every year. These collisions take place all around the country. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there were over 160,000 accidents involving cargo trucks in 2018.
We are here to assist if you were struck by a cargo truck here in DeSoto. We’ll provide you with personal care right here at home. Just contact us if you – or a family member – got hurt in an accident involving a cargo truck.
Factors That Lead to DeSoto Cargo Truck Accidents
A cargo truck accident lawyer in DeSoto can step in to assess the causes of your collision. We know how important it is to determine why a cargo truck collision occurred in DeSoto. These accidents often take place due to driver error. For example, cargo truck drivers may:
- Run a red light or ignore a stop sign
- Follow too closely or exceed the speed limit
- Back up or pass improperly
- Try to take a turn too quickly
Any of these dangerous behaviors could result in a cargo truck accident in DeSoto. However, drivers are not always at fault for a collision. In some cases, the trucking company is at fault for the accident. Perhaps they do not provide drivers with proper training or don’t perform maintenance on their trucks. This can lead to a major accident.
We’re ready to dig into the exact causes of your specific accident. You can easily contact us for help if you call (469) 998-4069. Get back your peace of mind by working with a DeSoto cargo truck accident lawyer right now.
Your Losses and a Cargo Truck Accident in DeSoto
A cargo truck collision can leave you with a lot of expenses. These accidents often damage or even total vehicles here in DeSoto. We know that you can face high costs as you get your vehicle repaired or replaced. You may also face expenses if you need a rental car while handling vehicle repairs.
You can also sustain serious injuries in an accident with a cargo truck. The experts recommend that you get medical care right away if you experienced:
- Head or brain injuries
- Damage to your neck, back, or spine
- Internal injuries or organ damage
- Broken bones, cuts, or burns
We know that medical care is often very expensive in our state. This is especially true if you require long-term care or rehabilitation services. A lawyer can step in to help you get damages to cover all of your medical expenses. Find out more by contacting us now.
Your Claim for a DeSoto Cargo Truck Collision
We know what it takes to resolve cargo truck accident claims in DeSoto. Our team has the experience to negotiate with insurance agents on your behalf. We know that settling a claim can let you get damages to cover your losses without going to court.
However, you can also reach out to us if you want to file a lawsuit against the cargo truck driver who hit you. We’ll work to secure a verdict in your favor while supporting you in front of a judge and jury. Don’t wait to get help, reach out to us now.
Get Assistance from a DeSoto Cargo Truck Accident Lawyer
A DeSoto cargo truck accident lawyer can step in to help you if you were hurt in a collision. Members of our team are standing by to assist you right away. We’ll help with all aspects of your legal case after you call us at (469) 998-4069. We also have an online contact form that you can fill out.
Discuss your case today with a free consultation.