Fort Worth Texting & Driving Accident Lawyer

Drivers who pull out their phones to text endanger everyone around them on the road. Distracted drivers are responsible for hundreds of thousands of injuries every year, including on the roads around Fort Worth.
You may be able to get compensation if you were hit by a driver who was texting. You can increase the chances that you will get damages by contacting a Fort Worth texting and driving lawyer immediately after your collision.
The Dangers of Texting and Driving
Texting takes a driver’s attention off of the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drivers look away from the road for at least five seconds every time they send or read a text message.
This lapse in concentration can lead to serious accidents. Around 390,000 people were injured in distracted driving accidents just in the year 2015. More than 3,000 people were killed by distracted drivers in 2016.
The dangers of distracted driving have forced changes to the laws in Texas. It is now illegal for drivers to text while operating a vehicle in the state of Texas. Drivers in Texas are not legally allowed to:
- Read Text Messages
- Write Text Messages
- Send Text Messages
Unfortunately, drivers do not always adhere to these laws, and we continue to see texting and driving accidents on Fort Worth roads. A car accident lawyer in Fort Worth can help you if you were involved in an accident with someone who was texting while driving.
Injuries Caused by Fort Worth Texting and Driving Accidents
Individuals who text while driving can cause:
- Rear End Accidents
- Head-On Collisions
- T-Bone Collisions
These accidents can lead to serious injuries, including:
- Broken Bones and Fractures
- Head and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)
- Back, Neck, and Spine Injuries
- Internal Organ Injuries
- Cuts and Abrasions
Individuals can even lose their lives in texting and driving accidents. We understand how difficult it can be to deal with the loss of a loved one in a collision. You can get the compassionate legal care you need in this situation by contacting our wrongful death lawyers in Fort Worth.
Types of Compensation for Texting and Driving Accidents
Depending on your situation, you may be entitled to compensation after a texting and driving accident. A professional legal team can investigate your case and fight to get you damages for:
- Your Medical Expenses
- Your Lost Wages
- Your Pain and Suffering
- Your Mental Anguish
In some cases, you may even receive punitive damages. These damages are ordered by the court as a way to punish the driver that caused your texting and driving accident.
In order to receive the compensation you need, your lawyer will need to show that:
- Someone Else Caused Your Accident
- The Accident Led to Your Injuries
Our team will work hard to show that the driver that struck you was texting and driving. We can assess the scene of your accident, speak with witnesses, and go over police reports to build your case.
Methods to Get Compensation after a Texting and Driving Accident
Many drivers are unsure how to get compensation for their medical bills and other losses after a texting and driving accident. A professional lawyer may be able to get you the damages you need to move forward with your life through a:
Settlement with the Insurance Company
Insurance companies may agree to a fair settlement after after a period of negotiations. Drivers that work with a professional texting and driving accident lawyer are more likely to get compensation from an insurance company after a collision.
Courtroom Verdict in Your Favor
Sometimes, a settlement with an insurance company cannot be reached. Some insurance companies simply refuse to treat drivers fairly. In this case, a texting and driving lawyer can take your case to court and fight for you in front of a judge and a jury right here in Fort Worth.
We believe you deserve dedicated support after experiencing a texting and driving accident. Let us go over your case to fight for your compensation. We will not take payment for legal fees until we bring you a fair settlement or a courtroom win.
Call a Texting and Driving Accident Lawyer in Fort Worth now
You can get the help you need to fight for compensation after a texting and driving accident. Reach out to our team of Fort Worth texting and driving lawyers to increase the odds that you will get damages. You can reach us by calling (469) 998-4069, or completing our online contact form.
Let us offer you the legal assistance you need, starting with a FREE case evaluation