A Beloved Dallas-Fire Rescue Firefighter Lost In Traffic Accident
The level of service and dedication that the men and women of our police, firefighters, and other emergency responders give to us every day is incalculable. We often take these people for granted for all that they do for us because much of what they do is unseen. Rarely do we ever learn their names until tragedy strikes.
Firefighters with Dallas Fire-Rescue Department are mourning the passing of one of their own. CBS in Dallas Fort-Worth reports that a firefighter was killed in an off-duty traffic accident in Nebraska earlier this week.
Ceasar Rios was a driver-engineer with the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department for 10 years. He lost his life in a traffic accident while off-duty and out of state in Nebraska.
Nebraska law enforcement agencies are investigating the circumstances leading up to the fatal crash. No further details were available at the time of the report.
The Dallas Fire-Rescue Department posted the following statement on its Facebook page:
“Hearts are heavy today, as Dallas Fire-Rescue mourns the untimely, off-duty, passing of our Brother, Driver Engineer, Ceasar Rios.”
The department said that Rios was a dedicated member of Dallas-Fire-Rescue and that his life blessed those of countless others within the city of Dallas. “May we all find solace in knowing that Ceasar left this world while living out his life-long dream of providing service to others,” the statement went on to say.
According to the report, Ceasar Rios’ brother, Henry, also works for Dallas-Fire Rescue.