Addison 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer

You can get legal assistance if you were struck by an 18-wheeler in Addison, Texas. Members of our team know what to do after a collision with a commercial vehicle. We’ll take charge of your case and work to bring you damages for all of your losses.
Begin getting legal assistance now by calling us at
Learn About 18-Wheeler Accidents in Addison
There are thousands of commercial vehicle accidents in Texas every year, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). 18-wheelers are an example of a commercial vehicle. Some people also call these vehicles big rigs, tractor-trailers, or semi-trucks.
The TxDOT tracks the number of commercial vehicle accidents in our state by the country where they occurred. There were over 4,000 commercial vehicle accidents in Dallas County in 2019. Many of these accidents involved:
- Rear-end collisions
- Head-on collisions
- Side-impact collisions
We are here to help you after any kind of 18-wheeler accident in Addison. Don’t wait to get legal help on your side. Reach out to us for assistance right now.
Reasons for Addison 18-Wheeler Accidents
We can work to determine what caused your 18-wheeler accident here in Addison. This is important. You can often get compensation for your losses if a lawyer shows that someone else caused your accident.
Many 18-wheeler accidents in Addison are caused by truck drivers. These drivers can cause accidents if they drive while distracted, fatigued, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We can look for the direct cause of your accident. These causes can include a truck:
- Pulling out into traffic while ignoring the right of way
- Changing lanes without checking their blind spots
- Driving too fast for conditions
- Passing or backing up improperly
Our 18-wheeler accident lawyers in Addison know that these are only examples of causes for collisions. We’re ready to consider the unique causes of your accident. Allow us to begin the investigation by calling us at
Damages and 18-Wheeler Accidents in Addison
A lawyer can help you get compensation if you were struck by an 18-wheeler in Texas. Your lawyer can focus on showing that your losses were all caused directly by the accident. We know how to bring you damages to cover your:
- Future and current medical expenses
- Costs to repair or replace your vehicle
- Lost wages and diminished earning potential
- Pain, suffering, and mental anguish
Note that it’s very important that you keep track of all of your losses after a collision. You should keep records of any and all medical care you received. You should also seek medical care quickly after an accident.
Insurance agents in Addison can try to claim that your injuries were not caused by the accident. This can be harder to argue if you seek immediate medical care. Your medical records can indicate that you were in a serious accident.
Find out more about how to handle the aftermath of an 18-wheeler collision in Addison by reaching out to us right now. We’ll offer you personalized assistance today.
Build a Claim for an Addison 18-Wheeler Accident
You can get legal assistance on your side right away after an 18-wheeler collision. Getting help quickly can allow your lawyer to:
- Seek with eyewitnesses before they forget what happened
- View the scene of the accident right away
- Acquire a copy of your police report
Our team can handle all of your legal needs after your accident. We’ll deal with insurance agents for you. We’ll also make sure that all your legal paperwork is filed in a timely fashion. We know that there is a statute of limitations in Texas for truck accident claims. That’s why we move quickly to help you.
We’ll take steps to settle your case with insurance agents in Texas. You can also count on us to help you file a lawsuit in some cases. Find out if you should take your claim to court or not by contacting us now.
Work with an Addison 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer
Want compensation for any losses you sustained in an 18-wheeler accident in Addison? Contact us about getting legal help by calling
Don’t wait to get assistance. Find out how to get damages with a free consultation.