What Should I Avoid Doing After a Car Accident in Dallas?

When you are in a car accident, there are many obligations that suddenly spring up, many steps in the long and arduous personal injury claims process that may seem stressful. Even worse: there are plenty of actions you can take that may lower the value of your compensation package. To avoid all of these pitfalls, the Insurance Journal suggests, it is best to consult with an experienced car accident attorney who has been through these kinds of cases before.
Dallas Car Accident Lawyers is a firm that has represented many injured clients just like you. We understand the local court system and the personal injury claims process, giving us the ability to guide you and instruct you on things to avoid. Our goal is always to get our clients the highest possible compensation for the harms they suffered.
I Should Avoid Admitting Fault
One of the most important actions you should avoid is admitting fault at the scene of the accident or in conversations with insurance agents after the accident. Apologizing may seem like a polite gesture, and you may only intend to provide the other party with kind words, but admitting fault can lower the value of your claim. This is because Texas uses a system called proportionate responsibility. The system works in two key ways.
When I Can Sue
First, you are only able to sue another person if you have less than 50% of the responsibility for the accident. In other words, if your actions or negligence are more than 50% of the reason that the crash occurred, you cannot seek compensation from the other driver.
Reduction in My Compensation
The second factor in a system of proportionate responsibility, also known as modified comparative negligence, is that your compensation is reduced in direct proportion to your fault. For instance, if the jury or judge determines that you have 25% of the blame for a crash, your total compensation will be reduced by 25% as well. That is why any admission of fault can drastically lower your potential recovery.
I Should Avoid Talking to Insurance Agents
At some point in the days after a serious car wreck, you will need to talk to the other driver’s insurance company. They are sure to come calling to get your story, but it is important to remember that they are not on your side. In fact, their job is to pay as little as possible so that the insurance company’s interests are protected.
Avoid speaking with insurance adjusters until you have conversed with a skilled Dallas car accident attorney who can instruct you on the tactics of insurance companies.
I Should Avoid Lapses in Treatment
Another major thing to avoid is to let your treatment lapse. Your total damages include any and all medical costs associated with your injury, so you should not be afraid of getting the medical care you need, especially if you have a knowledgeable attorney advising you. However, if you wait to get medical care or allow too much time between check-ups. Such lapses can allow the opposing driver’s insurance company to argue that your injuries either are not as serious as you claim or that they do not stem from the car wreck at all.
I Should Avoid Handling the Case on My Own
The final and most important item on your list of activities to avoid is trying to handle a personal injury claim on your own. Laypeople do not have familiarity with the legal claims process, nor do they deal with the court system on a regular basis. Dallas car wreck attorneys, however, have all of the necessary knowledge and experience to deal with the complications that may arise in your case.
For example, your attorney can help you decide whether to take a claim to court through a lawsuit, accept a pretrial negotiation offer, or pursue arbitration. With their deep understanding of Texas personal injury law, Dallas Car Accident Lawyers are uniquely poised to advise you on the best path toward compensation.
I Can Get a FREE Consultation
As a new client with Dallas Car Accident Lawyers, you can get a FREE consultation in which we discuss with you the details, validity, and value of your claim. If you decide that we are the right lawyers for you, we do not collect a fee unless we win the case and get you the compensation you deserve.
Schedule an appointment with our skilled attorneys now by filling in your information on our contact page or by calling us at (469) 998-4069.