How Do You Know if You Have Damaged Your Organs?

Internal injuries are often serious. You may quickly go into shock from internal bleeding if your organs are injured. For this reason, it’s important that you know how to identify damage to your organs so you may seek immediate medical care.
Find out how you know if you have damaged your organs by reading this article. Consider methods to identify damage to your kidney, spleen, liver, and more.
General Signs That You Have an Internal Injury
There are several symptoms commonly used when recognizing internal injuries in Dallas. You may want to seek medical care quickly if you experience any of the following symptoms after a car accident. Consider going to a hospital if you experience:
- Abdominal pain or tenderness
- Bluish discoloration around your flanks or belly button
- A rigid abdomen that is firm to the touch
- Nausea or vomiting
- Cold sweat or rapid pulse
- Loss of consciousness
These symptoms could indicate that you damaged one of your internal organs. They are not specific to any one organ in particular.
Signs of Damage to Specific Organs in Dallas
Some organs cause specific symptoms when they are injured. Let’s review some of the symptoms associated with:
Damage to the Spleen
If your spleen was damaged in a motor vehicle accident, you may experience pain in your left shoulder and arm. You may also feel pain in the upper left part of your abdomen. Take this injury seriously, as it may lead to rapid internal bleeding.
Damage to the Liver
Your liver is located low on the right side of your body. You may experience pain in this area if the organ is damaged. It may also cause pain in your right shoulder. Your liver could be torn in a motor vehicle accident in Dallas.
Damage to the Kidneys
You have two kidneys, one on either side of your spine. If you damage your kidneys, you may notice pain in your flanks. Additionally, kidney injuries often result in blood in the urine. Make sure you report these symptoms to a doctor quickly.
Get Treatment for Damage to Your Organs
If you suspect that you have organ damage, it is important that you visit a medical professional right away. Internal bleeding may happen very quickly and it may have dangerous effects on your health. Because it is difficult to tell how much you are bleeding from organ damage, it’s best to allow a doctor to assess your case right away.
Damage to your organs may require immediate surgery to stop the bleeding. You may require blood transfusions to replace blood loss due to your injuries. You may also require a lengthy period of time to recover from the effects of damage to your organs here in Dallas.
Note that, in some cases, a damaged organ may be removed. For example, spleens are sometimes removed when they are badly damaged. However, they may leave you with additional health problems. After spleen removal, you may be immunocompromised, as the spleen is very important for your immune system.
Handling the Costs of Internal Organ Damage
The treatment to repair organ damage may be incredibly expensive. Your healthcare costs may increase rapidly if you are dealing with an internal injury. However, you may not have to cover all of these costs on your own. If you were in a car accident caused by another driver, they may be responsible for covering your:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages and lost earning potential
- Pain, suffering, and mental anguish
However, you may only be eligible to receive compensation if a Dallas car accident lawyer demonstrates that the other driver caused the accident. Your lawyer may build a claim for you after investigating the scene of your accident, speaking with witnesses, and reviewing the police report.
A lawyer may be able to help you get compensation by settling with the other driver’s insurance company. Your lawyer may also take your claim to court. Allow your lawyer to handle your legal challenges while you focus on healing from organ damage in Dallas.
Contact a Lawyer if You Have Damaged Your Organs
How do you know if you have damaged your organs? You may experience pain, tenderness, nausea, or loss of consciousness. If you suspect you experienced internal injuries in a car accident, make sure you get medical help right away. After your condition is stable, you may contact a Dallas car accident lawyer to get help. Find out how by calling (469) 998-4069 or completing our online contact form.
We may be able to offer you a free consultation right now.