Two Semis Crash into Overpass and Cause a Collapse
Car accident on the street.
A two-vehicle crash has left a portion of an Interstate 20 overpass closed after it collapsed after the accident late Tuesday night. Official reports indicate that the accident occurred around mile marker 170 when an 18-wheeler hit a guard rail. The driver of the big rig over-corrected and sent his truck crashing into the support beams of the overpass. This caused a section of the overpass to fall. A second 18-wheeler then hit the debris.
Both drivers did suffer minor injuries in the accident. No charges were immediately filed. The accident remains under investigation.
It is very fortunate that the injuries in this accident were minor. It could have been far worse given the size of the two vehicles and the fact that a portion of the roadway gave out. In the state of Texas, approximately 6,000 truck accidents occur every year. Many of these result in either serious injuries or death.
Accidents involving 18-wheelers can be both terrifying and the cause of serious injuries or fatalities. There can be many causes of accidents involving big rigs such as driver inexperience, driver distraction, driver fatigue or improperly distributed loads.
Other liabilities in this case may touch upon possible roadway defects. It could be that a roadway or overpass is deemed unsafe because of poor construction or design. If a road has had previous issues surrounding poor design, improper construction, improper or inadequate signs, signals or any other kind of defects, these can be a contributing factor in the cause of an accident.
Earlier this year, another portion of I-20 gave way and had to be quickly repaired. Officials will have to investigate where there may be a trend and if these incidents are connected.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, give our offices a call. Our legal professionals will do the legwork and hire investigators to find out just how and why your accident was caused. Our attorneys will help you find the best resources and courses of action suited to your situation. We are here for you and have years of experience in successfully representing our clients in the Dallas Fort Worth courts. A meeting with us is confidential and without cost to you.