Police Officer of Mansfield Hit While On Motorcycle, Severely Injured
Police officers routinely risk their lives in the line of duty. They face dangerous situations to deliver the innocent to safety, and they often rub shoulders with potentially violent individuals. One police officer of Mansfield, Texas has served his city for over 26 years. Of all the potential dangers he’s faced, it was a traffic accident while he was off duty that ended him in the hospital, needing surgery, and ultimately losing one of his legs, according to this WFAA report.
This officer was on his motorcycle last Tuesday driving along FM 2738 when the incident happened. A driver illegally passed a stopped school bus, emerging briefly into a lane of oncoming traffic. At the same moment, the officer on his motorcycle was in that same lane. He hit the vehicle and was sent skidding several hundred feet, where he eventually hit a second vehicle. He ended up in a ditch.
After colliding with two vehicles and skidding so far, the officer was in bad shape. Someone applied a tourniquet to his leg until medical personnel were able to arrive. He was rushed to a local hospital, where he underwent surgery on his leg.
Unfortunately, the officer lost that leg, however. A Back The Blue HQ fundraiser has been set up for the officer so he can get the financial help he and his family need.