Camera Captures Motorist Hitting Student Leaving the Bus
In the state of Texas, averages of 1.4 million students are transported to school by taking a school bus. While that might seem to be a safe mode of transportation for kids getting to and from school, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety, “the greatest risk is getting on or off the bus.”
A video was recently released by Dallas County Schools showing a student who was run over by a motorist just moments after he got off his bus on September 1st.
The video footage was taken from an on-board camera on board the school bus and clearly shows that the bus was stopped with its flashers on and stop arm extended. A vehicle turns right onto the street where the bus is stopped and side swipes a student as he is attempting to cross the street from his bus.
According to school officials, the 12-year-old suffered only minor injuries in the incident. The boy’s mother said that since the incident he has been traumatized and is now afraid to ride the school bus.
The boy’s mother along with the Richardson ISD agreed to release the footage in order to raise public awareness as to the seriousness of the issue of drivers passing stopped school buses. According to the school district, similar dangerous incidents are happening as many as 400 times per day.
According to Texas state law (Sec. 545.066), drivers who encounter a school bus on the road that is stopped to load or unload students and has lowered its attached sign and put on its flashing warning lights are required to stop before reaching the bus. Failure to stop for a stopped school bus holds a minimum fine of $300 and up to $1,000. This requirement applies to whatever side of the road you are on. The only exception to the law would be if you are on the opposite side of the road from the school bus and. the road is divided by a median or barrier.
It’s hard enough for parents to send their children off to school each day. No one ever wants to think about the possibility of them getting hurt on the way there or back home. When your child is hurt, panic can set in and their pain and suffering affects you, too. Taking care of an injured child can mean having to take time off work in order to care for them. That can leave families struggling after an accident. That’s the time when you need an attorney who will fight for you.
If your child has been injured in an accident, contact our offices today. Our attorneys have years of experience with auto accident cases in the Dallas – Fort Worth area. We are here to help and to inform you of your rights and see that they’re protected.
Through a personal injury or accident lawsuit, you may be eligible to receive compensation that you and your loved ones are entitled to. We can also help ensure that those responsible are held accountable. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and legal analysis.