Woman Turns Herself In For Fatal DWI Crash
An alleged drunk driver turned herself in for intoxication manslaughter for an accident that happened last month in East Waco. The Waco Tribune reports.
According to police, she crashed in the 1100 block of Dallas and killed her passenger in the crash. She was thrown from the car in the 3 a.m. wreck. It is believed that speed was a factor in the crash.
Police say that her BAC level was 0.148 at the time of the crash, well above the legal limit. She also told officers that she drank a large amount of whiskey at the time of her arrest. The suspect has since postd bond and has been released from custody.
It is unknown why she wasn’t arrested at the scene, but as soon as she learned there was a warrant out for her arrest she turned herself in.
Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is an irresponsible act. We cannot control a vehicle safely when we’re intoxicated, and we don’t know how dangerous these vehicles can be until we’ve experienced a crash. What feels like a smooth ride can turn deadly when a crash happens even when you’re sober.
Intoxicated drivers often end up in more dangerous collisions, like wrong-way accidents. The situation is clear. If you need a ride, never accept one from someone you suspect has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs that can affect their judgment.