Thousands of People Arrested for DUI in just 18 Days
Texas Highway Patrol reports that troopers have made nearly 1,700 driving-while-intoxicated or DUI arrests in a special enforcement period. This special enforcement period included the Labor Day holiday weekend.
The Texas Department of Public Safety recently announced the results against DUI drivers over a period that lasted 18 days, beginning on August 16th and continuing to September 2nd.
The additional patrol hours were funded by a Texas Department of Transportation grant. Officials say DPS troopers made 1,682 DWI arrests during the enforcement effort, including 218 arrests as a direct result of the increased patrols.
DPS troopers also issued about 24,440 speeding citations, more than 3,540 seat belt-child safety seat citations and made 1,223 fugitive arrests and 977 felony arrests.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents in the United States. The state of Texas has a low tolerance for those who would drink and drive and driving under the influence of alcohol and the offense is considered a serious crime in this state. One of the leading causes of fatal car accidents each year is because of drivers who do get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol or other substances.
Even when state troopers haven’t stepped up their enforcement, never be tempted to try to do it. You greatly reduce your chances of getting into a major car accident by not consuming alcohol before driving. If you know you are going somewhere you will be consuming alcoholic beverages, be sure to have a designated driver. If this is not possible, then wait until you are completely sober again before getting back on the road.
The legal blood alcohol level that a driver must have to operate a vehicle in the state of Texas is below 0.08%. For anyone who is the holder of a commercial driver’s licenses such as those required to operate 18-wheel rigs, buses or other heavy trucks, the legal limit has been set at 0.04% in all 50 States. This is because those who drive for a living are held to a higher standard.
If you or a loved one has been injured or tragically killed in an accident that has happened as the result of a drunk driver, give our offices a call. We have experienced attorneys who can discuss the details of your case with you and will take the time to help you decide your best course of action. We can help you to settle a claim to cover the medical or long term care costs, rehabilitative care, funeral costs and other damages that you or your loved ones are entitled to.
We will do the important investigation to get to the bottom of liability issues and will fight on your side in the Texas courts. We will serve as your contact person for dealing with insurance companies and other legal issues concerning your accident. We are here to help you and your family get your lives back on track and see that justice is served. Your initial consultation with our offices is confidential and without cost or obligation to you.