Hundreds Of Citations For Street Racing
The racing incidents we talked about yesterday were much worse than we thought. Dallas News has further details about what happened this weekend.
By the time the police were through, 224 citations were issued for street racing violations over the weekend. There was also one death from a street racing accident.
Over a hundred people called the police about street racing, leading to 115 traffic stops. The fatal accident happened in the 9100 block of Southlink in Southeast Oak Cliff.
The different race groups had no connection with one another. It was just a busy day for racers, and for police. Street racers are taking advantage of the emptier streets to hold more events, but Dallas police are paying attention. It’s not just moving volations they’re worried about but also violations of the shelter-in-place orders.
Video of one of the incidents shows many people close to one another, as well as firework use. Vehicles were doing stunts in parking lots and on streets.
The police have petitioned the Dallas City Council to allow them to ticket passengers in race cars and those who watch these events, as well as the power to seize all involved cars. The crowds at these events have continued to grow despite enforcement efforts. 4,867 calls were made last year to complain about street races.