Fort Worth Big Rig Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love got into an accident involving a big rig in the Fort Worth, Texas area, you may be able to recoup for your damages and injuries with a lawsuit. However, big rig accidents are not like other car accidents. In addition to the other driver and their insurance company, you may also be up against the company who owns the big rig and their insurance company. This can feel intimidating for sure.
Companies like those who run big rigs typically have the best possible lawyers and much deeper pockets than you do. You should never even consider taking on a lawsuit like this by yourself.
A Fort Worth big rig accident lawyer has the law on their side and the experience necessary to get the best possible outcome for your case. Call us today at (469) 998-4069. We can give you the advice necessary to do what you need to do to win your case.
Starting Your Lawsuit
If you were involved in a crash with a big rig and you do not know your rights, then it is certainly a smart idea to give a Fort Worth big rig accident lawyer a call. Before you call, you should have a brief outline of your case prepared so we can form a clear picture of what happened and how we can help with your case.
For instance, some of the questions we will need to ask you include:
- Do you have any ideas as to what caused the accident?
- Did you call the police? If so, did you get a copy of the police report?
- How serious was the damage to the vehicles involved in the accident?
- Did you or a passenger in your vehicle suffer an injury or accidental death because of the accident?
- Were you hospitalized for your injuries? If so, did you take time off from your job to recover? Do you have copies of the applicable medical bills?
This list is not all-inclusive insofar as what we will need to know to properly fight for your case. The more details we have, the better – even if it is just to give you the advice you need to take the next steps without hiring us as your lawyer.
Potential Risks
The best thing for you to do after a big rig accident is to sue the other driver. Of course, the lawsuit does not stop with the other driver but also includes the company they work for and applicable insurance companies. With this many parties involved, it is not a good idea to go it alone.
Remember that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. If they paid out money to everyone who filed a claim, even if the filer deserved it, they would go out of business. As such, they try to pay out as little as possible unless they are up against a lawyer who will point out the law to them and press them for as much as possible under the law.
Going It Alone
Some people prefer to file their lawsuits without the help of a lawyer, or pro se, to save money. While you may be successful if your lawsuit concerns a typical car accident, you are more likely to settle for less than you deserve or drop the lawsuit altogether with a big rig accident.
You need to be one tough cookie to withstand the kind of pressure the other side can put on you. You may decide that it is better to settle and make it go away than continue to fight. This is exactly what the other side is hoping you will do. That way, you won’t realize you should have received several times as much as you ultimately settled for.
No matter how seriously you take your lawsuit, you can bet the other side will take it twice as seriously and fight back twice as hard. This will (hopefully) be the one and only time you need to represent yourself in a case like this. Do not miss the chance to get it right on the first try by attempting to go it alone.
If You Were Involved in a Big Rig Accident in Fort Worth, Texas, a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Can Help!
Getting into a big rig accident is a scary situation. Fighting a lawsuit against the driver who hit you is just as intimidating. If you are lucky enough to walk away from such a serious accident, and especially if your passenger was not, you should not let the other driver get away with this level of negligence.
Call a Dallas car accident lawyer today at (469) 998-4069 for the advice you need to have the best possible chance of winning your case. You are never under any obligation to retain us, and we provide your initial consultation for free. Do not let the other side bully you into a settlement that is less than you deserve – or worse, nothing at all. Let a Dallas car accident lawyer fight alongside you to get every penny you deserve!