Do You Need an Attorney for Pain and Suffering?
A car accident in Dallas could leave you with serious injuries and a damaged vehicle. You could also experience significant pain and suffering as a result of a car accident in Texas. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your medical expenses, vehicle repairs, pain, and suffering.
However, many drivers aren’t sure about the best way to secure compensation for all their losses. You may be especially concerned about getting compensation for your pain and suffering. Find out if you need an attorney for pain and suffering right here. Learn more about how Texas calculates pain and suffering compensation and whether you are eligible, in this article.
Decide Whether or Not to Work with an Attorney
Whether or not you need an attorney for pain and suffering may depend greatly upon the facts of your case. Some car accident claims in Texas are very open and shut. If it is clear who caused your accident and all of your injuries are clearly documented, you may feel confident handling the claim on your own.
However, even in a clear-cut case, it could be challenging to get compensation for your pain, suffering, and mental anguish. Generally, you must prove that you experienced pain and suffering as a result of a motor vehicle accident. This may be difficult to do without a lawyer.
Additionally, you may be unsure how to calculate an appropriate amount of compensation for your pain and suffering if you do not work with a legal professional. Texas uses a specific formula to generate compensation for pain and suffering. A Dallas car accident lawyer could help you calculate the possible amount of damages you could receive. Find out more about your pain and suffering compensation by calling (469) 998-4069.
Proving Your Pain and Suffering After a Car Accident
It may be relatively easy to show that you experienced physical injuries after a car accident in Dallas. If you had to visit the doctor and get medical care, your lawyer may only need to gather your medical records to establish your losses.
It can be more difficult to prove that you experienced pain and suffering after an accident, as pain and suffering may not have a visible effect on you. However, a lawyer may be able to demonstrate that you experienced pain and suffering by:
- Showing photos of your injuries
- Acquiring a doctor’s note that speaks to your condition
- Reviewing witness statements from your accident
- Going over the police report of the collision
These documents may be used to develop a “demand letter” to be sent to the insurance company. This letter may be the first step in helping you get compensation for your medical expenses, pain, suffering, and more.
Evaluating Pain and Suffering Losses in Texas
There is not an obvious financial cost to the pain and suffering you experience after a car accident in Dallas. However, the state had to come up with a method to determine how much compensation the aggrieved party should receive for their mental anguish and hardship. In order to accomplish this, the multiplier method is often used.
The multiplier method looks at your economic damages when considering the amount of compensation you could receive for your pain and suffering. Your economic losses represent a set dollar amount. This amount is then multiplied by a number between 1.5 and five.
The results of the above calculation represent the amount of compensation you could receive for your pain and suffering. Generally, the multiplier will be smaller (closer to 1.5) if you did not experience significant injuries in the car accident. If you were very badly injured, your multiplier could be higher (closer to five).
A Dallas car accident lawyer can help you go over your losses and the use of the multiplier method in your case. In some cases, your lawyer could help you get compensation through a settlement. In other situations, your lawyer could take your car accident case to court to help you get damages to cover your losses.
Speak to an Attorney for Pain and Suffering
Do you need an attorney for pain and suffering in Dallas? You may be able to get compensation for your pain and suffering on your own in some cases. However, working with a lawyer may allow you to better understand the multiplier method and the best ways to get compensation for your pain and suffering. Get legal help on your side today from a Dallas car accident lawyer.
Start reviewing your options to seek compensation by completing our online contact form or calling (469) 998-4069.