Truck Drivers Are Under Strain As They Work Their Jobs With Limited Rest Opportunites
Even under normal circumstances, truck drivers help keep the lifeblood of the economy pumping in the United States of America. Now, during the current crisis during the Covid-19 pandemic, their jobs are more important than ever as they struggle to keep the shelves of stores stocked for the rest of us.
CBS Local in Dallas – Fort Worth reports that many of our nation’s commercial truck drivers are working overtime but are finding it difficult to do their jobs.
Some states, like Pennsylvania, for example, have closed all of its rest stops and facilities, making it difficult for truck drivers to get off the road and park their rigs. After an appeal made by President Trump, Pennsylvania reopened the 13 of the 48 rest areas to accommodate long-haul drivers.
Truck stops and travel centers across the country are staying open to make sure drivers have a place to eat and get much-needed rest from the road. However, they are finding it necessary to limit the number of truck drivers they allow in their lounges at once. According to Donna England, VP of Safety and Member Services at the Tennessee Trucking Association, the lounges are being closed if a truck stop manager finds it necessary.
“They’re also closing all the buffet-style food that’s being served,” England said in a statement.
England does believe, however, that though truck drivers are finding themselves facing challenges like signing affidavits at their delivery destinations saying that they aren’t sick, things will return to normal eventually.