Parker County Fire Truck Struck While Working Crash on I-20
Our hardworking firefighters are truly heroes. They regularly put themselves in danger to save lives and control hazardous situations. When we think of a firefighter risking his or her life, we may think of them running into a fire to save someone trapped inside a burning building. This is truly a sacrifice of great risk. But other situations can prove dangerous, as well.
For example, several firefighters were put in danger when their truck was hit on the side of the road on Sunday Morning. Fox 4 News reports that firefighters were responding to one car accident on I-20 when another vehicle hit the truck. Four firefighters were on the truck at the time. Thankfully, they were not injured in this event.
However, some damages proved costly to the county. This particular fire truck was only months old and it has cost $650,000. After this accident, the truck is now out of service.
In addition, four other vehicles were involved in the crash.
How sad it is to think that, while these modern heroes were doing their job and rendering much-needed assistance, other drivers put them and others at risk by not respecting the traffic laws with regards to giving right-of-way to emergency vehicles.