Man Loses His Life Trying To Get Around Traffic
Traffic laws and signs exist to keep as many people safe as possible while going to and from their destinations. In recent years, traffic has increased greatly in the Dallas area and traffic snarls often become a part of daily life. Such snarls can cause people to become impatient. Even so, impatience with slow-moving traffic is no reason to ignore the safety rules of the road. Unfortunately for one driver near Richardson on Saturday, ignoring safety considerations may have been what cost him his life. According to a story that appeared on the Dallas CBS Local website, the driver of a white car that was northbound on Coit Road attempted to get around heavy traffic by cutting into the southbound lanes.The driver sideswiped a southbound pickup truck, which caused his vehicle to spin out of control. He was then broadsided by a second vehicle. Investigators at the scene said that the unidentified man was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. Eyewitnesses to the incident say the force of the impact sounded very much like an explosion or an earthquake. Others who are familiar with the area say that while drivers have been known to travel at high speeds in the mostly residential area, however, have not ever witnessed anything this bad.
Let this incident be a lesson to readers. Don’t try to swerve around traffic.