Arrest Made In Hit-and-Run That Killed ISD Mentor
A few days ago, we wrote about a hit-and-run accident that killed a Dallas ISD mentor. Now the police have made an arrest. CBS in Dallas reports.
DeSoto police arrested a 17-year-old suspect in connection with the June 6 accident. He is facing a second-degree felony manslaughter charge.
The fatal accident happened at West Pleasant Run Road and Ray Andra Drive. Accident reconstructionists determined that the suspect was going west on West Pleasant Run Road at speeds of over 90 mph when he allegedly killed his victim. The speed limit on the road is 40 mph.
Investigators believe their suspect is “recklessly at fault for the crash.” He was arrested and taken to the hospital for evaluation before getting booked into the Dallas County Jail.
The victim worked tirelessly for the community to send local kids to college. Outpourings of grief and support have appeared on social media. A balloon release was held in her honor.
We are glad that a possible suspect was found. With due process, we will discover whether he is responsible for this crash or not. If they find damage on his vehicle consistent with the crash, that will be further evidence against him. The same goes for any video footage of the crash.