Self-Driving Cars Under Testing in North Texas
You may have been driving next to a self-driving vehicle and not even knew it was there. Texas is one of ten locations where self-driving cars are getting tested for widespread use. The reason? So many HOV and managed lanes.
It is believed that automated vehicles could reduce accidents by as much as 40% on the highways and reduce congestion. Tesla owners are raving about their experiences with the self-driving feature in these vehicles.
Government officials are using Texas and the other locations as a way to come up with federal guidelines for the use of self-driving vehicles. Once there is a federal standard is in place and the systems are tested in real-world conditions, other car manufacturers are sure to jump on the bandwagon.
Yet there are still legal issues to work out regarding self-driving vehicles. If you get into an accident because your vehicle malfunctioned and steered you into an accident, is it still your fault, or the fault of the manufacturer? No self-driving system can completely eliminate crashes, so this will be an important question for drivers and insurers.
Have you been in an accident and live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Contact our offices today for a free case consultation. We can educate you on your rights as an injured individual and represent you in court to get the compensation you deserve. Call today.