New Driver Accidentally Kills Family in Rollover
A mother and father decided that they were going to take their kids to Disney World for their dream vacation. “They’ve always talked about it. It was their dream trip. It was an opportunity for them to take all of their kids.” It was also an opportunity to let the newly licensed oldest son take the wheel of the SUV on the long trip from Terrell to Orlando. It’s a 16 hour drive and I-20 is especially straight – perfect for a youngster to get some driving hours in.
He was watching the road, but he was growing tired. As he grew tired, his driving became more and more erratic. And then it happened. He fell asleep at the wheel and veered into traffic. Realizing his mistake, he overcompensated and drove hard the other way.
The vehicle tipped over, rolling over and killing everyone in the vehicle except for the driver. Nobody was wearing seat belts in the SUV except for the driver. As per procedure, the driver was cited with numerous offenses, even though he’d killed his whole family. However, the attorney in the case decided that the charges against the young driver should be dropped, stating that he’d suffered enough and that he shouldn’t have tickets on top of losing his family. “In an instance (sic) this family vacation turned into an unspeakable tragedy.”
If you end up in an accident, give us a call. As car accident attorneys, we fight for those who need fighting for. We’re there for you.