Downtown Subway Project May Be Delayed By 15 Years
Mass transit options reduce the number of cars on the roadways. This also reduces the chances for an accident. If you’ve been out on the road during this crisis, you’ve seen the reduction in traffic. But the outbreak is threatening a mass transit project, possibly for over a decade, in Dallas. NBC reports.
DART has said that they are experiencing severe financial problems thanks to the outbreak. They have announced that the downtown subway project may not be finished until 2040. There are also problems with the completion of the Silver Line from Plano to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.
DART receives a lot of funding from sales taxes. With everything shut down, that money isn’t getting collected. Projections by DART state that tax revenue will be down over $150 million, plus an additional $24 million lost due to fare declines.
It has warned that cuts are possible in the future thanks to the lack of money. On the link above, you can find the full memo that explains DART’s situation and the financial crisis they’re facing.
Hopefully when the stay-at-home orders lift the economy will come roaring back and DART can make up for lost time. That will depend on us using mass transit and buying more things after the crisis ends.