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    Report Shows Rules were Violated and Caused Death

    Silhouette,Offshore oil and rig platform Silhouette,Offshore oil and rig platform in sunset or sunrise time. Construction of production process in the sea. Power energy of the world.


    A recently released report concerning an accident at a Texas-based company reveals that a deadly 2012 explosion off the Louisiana coast was caused by subcontracted workers who used unsafe welding practices on the site. Three workers died in the accident last year.

    The report states that Grand Isle Shipyard Inc. was under contract for construction work being done on the oil platform when the blast happened on November 16, 2012. This was in spite of Grand Isle agreeing not to use subcontractors on Black Elk projects.

    Wednesday’s report was conducted by ABSG Consulting for Black Elk Energy. The report comes on the same day that two workers who were injured in the blast on the platform filed a federal suit against Black Elk.

    According to the federal Bureau of Labor statistics, in 2012 there were 4.383 workplace fatalities for an average of nearly 13 deaths per day. The largest percentage of those deaths happened to workers in such positions as construction and industrial plant jobs.

    Even when a company and their employees or even subcontractors are careful to take every precaution possible to prevent an accident, they do happen. Everyone deserves a safe place to work.

    Suffering from an injury on the job, especially if it is a serious accident can be agonizing and take a long period of time to fully recover. Expenses surrounding medical treatment, or loss of income because necessary time taken off of the job, as well as long term care and other expenses can quickly add up. After an accident, you need to focus on getting well. In a tragic loss of life, funeral costs and the agony of personal loss and getting your life back together can be overwhelming. You need the advice and services of an experienced attorney on your side. So, before you sign any settlement with an insurance provider or your employer, give our offices a call. We will act as your point of contact to make sure that you are fairly compensated.

    If you or a loved one have been injured on the job or have suffered a loss due to a workplace injury, our experienced attorneys are here to give you the best advice for your personal situation. In a case such as this one, because it involves many companies across multiple states, it can be especially challenging.

    When you call our offices, we will match you with an attorney who will discuss the details of your case with you, and get things started. There is no cost or obligation to you and your visit is absolutely confidential. Find out what your case is worth and get the compensation that you are entitled to by law.

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